This site was made for recreational purposes. I don't have all that much to do outside of school other than play games (Usually Minecraft or Sims 2 LOL) or read books so I decided to work on this website to pass the time and to sharpen my rusty HTML skills.

Wannabe Wissenschaftler exists as a hub for my thinking, activities, and as my online prescence as I stay away from social media. The name "Wannabe Wissenschaftler" is a story of its own. I'm a German learner (I'd say I'm a rough B1/higher A2 as of writing this) and I used a German word to signify my connection to the language. "Wissenschaftler" means scientist or academic, and I love science and wanna work in STEM so it fit. "Wannabe" is self explanatory. I'm not a scientist, not yet at least, but I want to be. Wannabe is a word with an odd connotation in my book, it's more negative than anything else, but it was purposefully chosen.

I'm not sure what this website will become, what I'll do with it, other than what's been listed above.

Anyway, how 'bout somethin' 'bout me?

My name is Aldo, but I go by a variety of pseudonyms online. What pseudonyms exactly isn't too important here, I don't think. I'm currently a high school student attending a school for the arts.

Some of my interests include:

Above list subject to additions or changes.

I warn you, planes will probably come up. A lot. I just love them.

Couple other things may come up also, such as the fact that I'm a vegan.

Page in development